
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Why always do what you love?

Hey Friends, well today, on my Birthday, I would like to post something regarding Passion and about doing something that you love!

We all do many things, some because we like to do them, some because we are forced to do them. Ask yourself, which ones do we enjoy the most? There is no double mind in answering this one, they are obviously the things that you like or you love to do. There are many success stories of people who have excelled by doing what they loved to do, may it be Sachin Tendulkar in Cricket, or Roger Federer in Tennis or Steve Jobs in Software Development.

Remember Steve Jobs thrown out of his own Company Apple when he was 30? Just think of it. The company that you started, you are thrown from at after running it for 10 years? Hell! But he had taken some decisions which his board members were not in favor of and eventually he made his way. He did it because he was in love with what all he did, and didn't want to compromise that at any cost. Finally the result was Next and Pixar Animation Studio, the best computer animation film studio we know. This is just talking about a small instance of Steve Jobs.

Here, I would like to share an example of my grandmother. She is a good cook.. Oops, I mean a great cook *wink. Not just because she prepares delicious food, but even because she is always ready to learn anything new that comes up. Daily, she checks out newspapers and magazines, to get knowledge about preparing some new dish. Even today, at an age of above 70, she is not ashamed of learning anything new, and never does she say that she knows everything. Talk of preparing some dish, and she would have a number of ways of doing it, with some quick tips and the best way to do it. Also, even if she is down with fever, if she has made her mind or someone asked her to prepare something special, nothing can stop her from doing so. Nothing at all! (May she always remain as she is -- Touchwood!)

That's what happens when you do what you love. You may succeed or may fail. But even after failure, they would be happy because they might be loving  that -- even after failure. Because, no failure can let you quit. You go on and on and on.. Come What May! For all such passionate people, one thing is in common, Success or Failure never matters, what matters is they love what they do.

You can think of some instance of your life that you enjoyed the most. The one that you gave your best effort. The sole reason as to why you put in effort for that thing or loved that thing is because you loved doing it. Well, while concluding this, I would like to re-itterate two things that many have always said: If you have found what you love, go behind it without wasting anytime and in case you haven't be in search of it. Because its the best feeling you can ever have!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Failure - How it really feels?

As per my knowledge this is not a question to be asked, Whether you have ever tasted failure?

You, me - everyone of us has experienced it at some point in our life. 
And regarding how it feels, I have watched a lot of inspirational people talking about really great stuff. They say you should not take defeat negatively, it is a stepping stone of success, it always teaches you some lesson and the first time I felt my foot!

This is because of the fact, that failure takes the hell out of you when you experience it. It even makes you feel miserable, lonely and at the same time, it flashes and flushes all the hard-work that you had put in for the thing you wanted to achieve.

Then what is so great about failure, that many great people talk about it so positively? Is it that we are taking it in a wrong way? Or is it that we are unable to see the other side of it? 

Thinking about it further, analyzing my past shortcomings and trying to understand the real meaning of what all those great speakers meant regarding lack of success, I have come down to a conclusion. 

Failure never matters, but how you take it and fight back does! 

It may have been painful and hurt you badly, but it should in no way make you quit from what you were doing!

Its important to have a right person by your side when you fail:

And that's none other than you yourself! Don't look for anyone else near you to come and support you in your difficult times. Yes, it feels depressing at that moment of time, you feel like quitting, leaving it altogether and what not, but this is the time when you speak WAIT! 
What went wrong in here? Lets check all the events in sequence. And then assess what was wrong. 

Your Viewpoint towards it is very important:

Every kid tries to walk when it is nearly 1 year old. It falls while trying, gets up and tries again. And while doing so, it actually starts walking. Maybe for walking it is essential to fall, so that it understands how to avoid from falling.

Look at the kid's attitude, its fighting spirit.. I mean falling, getting up and still not quitting? 
I think, if ever we fall short while doing something, and our mind says to drop that idea or quit it, we must always think of small kids around. They are a great source of inspiration and give us all the strength to try it yet again!

Don't be Perplexed:

Why are all of us so much frightened of failing? I was having a small discussion with my friend Darshana, and had a nice example of taking it positively without being afraid of it. Think of swinging on a swing when you were a kid. If you fall down, the max that you would do is laugh loudly, look around, dust off your clothes and get on the swing again. 
So when you are a kid, if you are not afraid of falling down, what happens when you grow up? What is that fears us? Is it failing that we fear or is it that people around see you fail? 
Well, we should never worry or be scared of making mistakes. One who is weak at heart who does that. This fear will never let you take up a challenge or try anything new in your life and hinder your own growth. You will never identify any new opportunities, try it out and would never develop or sharpen your skills. We are accountable to ourselves and not anyone else, so why care if anyone sees us failing? 

Sometimes, some things may turn out badly. Nevermind, happens!

Its a Learning:

Just like every success teaches you something, even every downfall does!

Mistakes give you the opportunity to learn, and there should be a lesson learnt from it. What is more important is learning from our shortcomings and make sure we do not repeat the same blunder again. Its not making a mistake that is a crime, but repeating it and not learning from it, surely is! 

Never does it mean that you should always fail. Also, as Mr. Harsha Bhogle said in a lecture series of his, "Everytime you fail you learn is true, but there is no mathematical relationship between failure and learning. So, the more you fail the more you learn maybe correct, and the person who only fails only learns is not true"
So rightly said by him. It is not a mathematical conclusion. 

Take it seriously:

All over above, when we see, that its not a crime to fail, at the same time, its important not to take it lightly. Failure happens, agree, but we must not ignore it. Important thing is to think about what next and how to try again.

After you fail, you gotto assess things, what went wrong in the current situation. And you need to make sure you don't repeat that mistake again. Mistakes are always allowed, just repeating them are not allowed.

No matter how many times I break down, there is always a little piece of me that says "You're not done yet, GET UP!!"

Never Quit!