
Thursday, November 24, 2011

My Best Friend - Mr. K : Who taught me how to enjoy life!

Hey Friends,

In this post, I would like to tell you something regarding my friend, my best friend, without mentioning his name, as always, to avoid any problems to him.

Let me tell you one thing about him, he was not the perfect human, but he knew how to live and enjoy life. I think he followed and still follows the concept of "Live the Present".

He always has a passion for learning anything new... and he has trained his mind in such way that he can learn it easily, fast and one day he does it perfectly.

He has tried I think almost everything in his life, be it various games like cricket, badminton, football, volleyball, tennis and others, be it knowing various topics and he is ready for a talk on it (even if he doesn't know it and learns it that way), name a music instrument, and he knows it... be it a Harmonium, Keyboard,  Guitar, Violin, Drum-set, Mouth-organ, Mandolin and ready to learn any other instrument that comes his way; dancing, acting,anchoring,hanging out with friends, and that too as a center of attraction for everyone around, from wherever he passes, I must say a wave of happiness is spread....

Basically, from above I mean he is an all-rounder. He knows how to maintain relations, do whatever you wish to do and that too with  100% of your own self.

The basic funda that he follows is "He is passionate about everything he does"

Yes... you read it rite... He is passionate about everything he does. When he takes up something in his hands, he makes sure that he gives his 100% to it..

And yea for many of the above things, I forgot to mention, he is a self learner....

This guy that I am talking of here, is a lad from a small town. And believe me that sometime back  he had no idea what so ever how to be what he wanted to be... (this is what he himself had told me)

He always used to tell me 2 things: First see if you like it or not... and in case you do, give your 100% to it!

This guy about whom I am talking about, was my College Friend, we actually met in 3rd Sem of my Engineering, we were class-mates, and by the end of 5th Sem, we developed such tuning that we could even understand what the other one wants... (we were like brothers from there on!)... Oh Man! Can't forget all those things I tried out in my college days with him!

But that's how I learnt to enjoy my life!

I still admire him for what all he did to change the way I thought of the world, and the people around.. and the way I am today, a major part has played by him! The reason why I am so popular amongst majority of people... missed by my friends when not around, whenever anything comes up... people remember me... and what not.. this is the life I always wanted...

And thanks Kenzie! You gave it to me!

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